I visited Paris again recently (aka six months ago), as usual the first thing on schedule is Musée du Louvre. Honestly saying I frantically despised the weight of my DSLR which resulted me putting it in my backpack during the whole visit. As guessed I immediately regretted for doing that as now I don't have any pictures to post on this blog. Aah, what have I done to myself. LOL. I feel like I am rambling. Anyways, what else do I ever do.

As I am typing this my stomach is growling due to hunger and I am torn between choosing Korean ramen or greek yoghurt with blackberries. Obviously the former is preferable.

I am excited to finally be blogging again - a platform for me to word my personal thoughts and to ramble on and on (exactly what I am doing right now). I will no longer be active on my previous blog Parrotly for various reasons. But it's nice to know that I've decided to try to stick to this website, because in my online absence, I've grown to understand that blogging is something I really, really love to do. I don't know what's coming next... but I am excited.

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